IELTS Reading test tips

IELTS Reading test tips

Examine every detail of the figures, graphs or images in the question paper to be precise while answering

Examine every detail of the figures, graphs or images in the question paper to be precise while answering

If you can’t understand a question, don’t waste time on it. Rather move onto the next, you can always come back later to finish this

If you can’t understand a question, don’t waste time on it. Rather move onto the next, you can always come back later to finish this

Don’t waste time writing on question paper. There is a time limit and you will get no extra time to transfer answers later on

Don’t waste time writing on question paper. There is a time limit and you will get no extra time to transfer answers later on

Understand the questions carefully and focus on finding answers from the passage

Be precise, grammatically-correct and to-the-point. Proofread before submission

Try to use all capital letters for your answers