NEET 2024: Top Tips to Start Preparation from Zero Level

Start your NEET preparation as soon as possible.

Know the NEET syllabus and topics you have to study.

Create and follow a schedule that includes time for studying theory, practicing problems and revision.

Include breaks and time for rest and relaxation.

NCERT is a must for NEET preparation.

Go to another reference book only when you are done with NCERT.

Make notes from the start of your NEET preparation.

Understand concepts properly to solve problems efficiently.

Practice MCQs from NEET coaching modules.

Start with easy to moderate questions of each topic, and then practice tougher questions.

Solve NEET previous year questions to know the exam pattern and the type of questions asked in the exam.

Practice mock tests to improve your speed, accuracy and time management skills.

Analyze your mistakes in tests. Make your weak point strong and strong point stronger.