Important Mental Ability Topics for Competitive Exams

Important Mental Ability Topics for Competitive Exams

Logical Reasoning, Arithmetic, Data Interpretation

Logical Reasoning, Arithmetic, Data Interpretation

16–20 of the 150 questions in the General Studies paper are from Mental Ability

16–20 of the 150 questions in the General Studies paper are from Mental Ability

Number based questions: Arithmetic, Number series in Reasoning, Number Analogy, Number classification

Number based questions: Arithmetic, Number series in Reasoning, Number Analogy, Number classification

Basic Numerology: natural numbers, integers, integers, irrational numbers, prime numbers, even numbers, odd numbers

Basic Numerology: natural numbers, integers, integers, irrational numbers, prime numbers, even numbers, odd numbers

Principles of divisibility

Principles of divisibility

Categories from 1 to 60, cubes from 1 to 20

Categories from 1 to 60, cubes from 1 to 20

Prime numbers upto 100

Prime numbers upto 100

Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), division (/) calculations should be done fast

Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), division (/) calculations should be done fast

Letter series, letter analogy, letter classification, coding-decoding elements are based on the English alphabet.

Letter series, letter analogy, letter classification, coding-decoding elements are based on the English alphabet.

Learn A to Z, Z to A fast, position values ​​from A to Z should be known. Position values ​​are A-1, B-2, C-3 .... Y-25, Z-26

The reverse position values ​​of the letters A to Z should be known. A-26, B-25, .... Z-1

Reverse syllables from A to M should be known. Reverse syllables are A-Z, B-Y, C-X ... M-N

Practice Syllogisms, Seating Arrangements, Ages, Clocks, and basic arithmetic problems upto 10th standard level