Top 10 tech lessons every school student should learn early

1. Basic Computer Skills (Understanding operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).)

2. Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship (Recognizing and avoiding online threats (phishing, malware).)

3. Coding and Programming Fundamentals (Learning basic coding languages (Scratch, Python, HTML/CSS).)

4. Keyboarding and Typing Skills (Building speed and accuracy in typing.)

5. Basic Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Performing routine maintenance (software updates, virus scans).)

6. Cloud Computing and Collaboration Tools (Using cloud storage services (Google Drive, Dropbox))

7. Digital Creativity and Multimedia Skills (Using tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, or iMovie.)

8. Understanding and Using Social Media Responsibly (Managing personal and professional online presence.)

9. Introduction to Robotics and Automation (Engaging in hands-on projects with tools like LEGO Mindstorms or Arduino.)

10. Data Literacy and Information Management (Using tools like Excel, Google Sheets, or simple databases)