5 Best Time Management Techniques Followed By Billionaires

The 80/20 Rule (Warren Buffett is known for focusing on a few key investments or tasks that yield the greatest return, rather than spreading his efforts thinly across many projects.)

Time Blocking (Elon Musk schedules his day in 5-minute increments to pack in tasks and focus without distractions.)

The Two-Minute Rule (Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter, implements rapid decision-making on smaller tasks to maintain momentum and avoid delays.)

Delegation (Jeff Bezos emphasizes the importance of empowering others to make decisions, allowing him to focus on long-term strategy rather than micromanaging.)

Morning Routines and Focus on Health (Oprah Winfrey dedicates time each morning to meditation and exercise, which she attributes to helping her stay centered and focused throughout the day.)