Board Exams 2024: Top 10 Tips to follow 8+8+8 rule during preparation

8+8+8 Rule is 8 hrs of sleep, 8hrs of study and 8hrs of other activities like daily chores, entertainment, talking to family and friends etc.

Create a Schedule for 8 hours for dedicated study

Prioritize Tasks for active learning, like reading, taking notes, solving problems, and reviewing material

Break Down Study Sessions for reading, taking notes, solving problems, and reviewing material

Follow Efficient Study Techniques to utilise 8 hours Study S chedule

Set Boundaries

Allott 8 hours For Recreation and Relaxation

Quality Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation and cognitive function

Stay Organized for remaining 8 hours for meals, exercise, leisure time, and socializing

A balanced schedule with breaks is vital to avoid burnout and maintain motivation.